
25 March 2014

Top Flag Championship 2014 - ROUND TWO

Welcome to Round Two of the 2014 Top Flag Championship. 

After taking tallying the results of ROUND ONE this is where we are at:

As in round one leave a comment to vote on each of the pairs listed below. Pick your favorite flag using any sort of reasoning you want; prettiest, best design, description of the alternate country it represents, or whatever. I look forward to see which move on to round three! Thanks to all participants.

Voting will go until March 31st, 2014. Results and Round Three will be posted on Aprl 1st!


A European Empire against Canada!

The Habsburg Hegemony
The Habsburg dynasty grows to control all of Europe and by the 20th century most of the world.


The British annex Alaska after the Crimean War. By the 20th century former British Caribbean holdings are brought into the growing Canadian state.


A modern era Roman Republic against a post-apocalyptic city-state!
Fourth Roman Republic
Rome gets knocked down but never out. The Fourth Roman Republic has a lunar colony and controls a large portion of the world. Only the Chinese can dare challenge them.


Also an independent city-state that survives on the equivalent of South America in a post-apocalyptic world.


Communist France against a central Asian kingdom!

A short-lived communist state that encompassed France, Spain, and Italy.


Polish Kingdom of Western Afghanistan
Poland gained early independence from the Russian Empire and colonized central Asia. Now the colony is independent and preparing for a possible assault by a westernizing China.


Freedom vs Anti-Freedom!

Federation of Free America
A politically stronger South causes a group of Northern states to secede from the Union in 1860. They fight a war in an attempt to maintain their independence. Will the succeed?


Sino-Soviet Alliance
Russia and China don't split and eventually become one powerful bloc that may allow communism to eventually dominate the world.


  1. 1 Canada! The flag visually represents what it should, I like the back story and there is always the question of how Hockey would look merged with soccer.
    2 Fourth Roman Republic, for the Latin on the flag and the back story.
    3 Polish Kingdom of Western Afghanistan, The back story seems richer (and longer) and TRD had a weak first round match up.
    4 Federation of Free America, because it looks cooler and took more imagination.

  2. Thanks again for your interest. Unfortunately I had to cancel this Top Flag Championship. At the time my readership wasn't high enough to get enough comments. Hopefully next year will be different. Out of those four you chose which is your favorite?
